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The Great Fire
The Great Fire
Oil on Canvas
17" X 23"

Eve L. Ewing recently wrote a marvelous book of poetry called '1919', about a relatively obscure race riot in Chicago. The riot was a result of the drowning of a small boy who had drifted into the segregated lake area reserved for whites. I was impressed by her research of the horrific event, and the beautiful poetic narrative which resulted. It seemed very similar to my method in evolving narrative paintings. I decided to illustrate one of the poems I particularly like called 'True Stories About the Great Fire'. The last 2 lines of the poem, 'and we can wait a long time and the Fire can too', which evoke the long wait for justice and equality, can be read around the frame.
I sent an image of 'Great Fire' to her publisher's publicist with my compliments, and a few days later I got this heart-warming response: 'Eve absolutely loves it and appreciates you sharing it'.